Find out how to join the surgery.

Changing your contact details
Update your name, address, phone numbers or email address.
Getting test results
Find out how to view or ask questions about your test results.
Services near me
Find a NHS service near you.
Getting a fit (sick) note
Request a sick note if you've been sick for more than 7 days.
View what clinics we offer.
This guide can help you understand the vaccines offered in the UK and when to have them. It also explains how they work and why they're safe and important.
Flu Campaign 2024/25
We appreciate that patients have a choice of where they receive their vaccination, but we do hope you will choose to have it with us as we strive to keep this service local and within primary care to benefit our local communities.
Covid-19 Information
Find out more about COVID-19 services including vaccination services, testing, NHS 119 and research.
There are no longer any domestic requirements to demonstrate vaccination status, and no countries require proof of COVID-19 vaccination as a condition of entry.
Covid-19 Winter Booster
Winter COVID-19 vaccinations will not be available after 31 January 2025.
COVID-19 vaccinations will be available again in Spring. The NHS will contact you if your NHS record suggests you may be eligible.
Managing your health online (online services)
There are many things you can do online at our surgery.
Accessing your health record
Find out about the types of records and how to access them
Accessing someone else’s information (Proxy access)
As a parent, family member or carer, you may be able to access services for someone else. We call this having proxy access. We can set this up for you if you are both registered with us.
Referred to secondary care - What happens next?
Refer yourself to a health service such as talking therapies without having to see a GP first.
Healthy living
NHS advice about healthy living, including eating a balanced diet, healthy weight, exercise, quitting smoking and drinking less alcohol.
Mental Health Services
Experiencing a mental health problem?
If you are affected by a mental health issues click here.
Veteran friendly GP practice
The Station Practice is an accredited Veteran Friendly GP Practice.
We are proud to support our Armed Forces community and we are committed to endure that our veterans have access to the help and support they may need following their service.
Let a member of staff know if you, or your spouse/partner, have ever served in the Uk armed forces. This will help us best support your care needs.
There is lots of information available on the Royal College of General Practitioners website. Click here to go straight to their website.
Other useful resources:
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