Childhood Immunisations


One of the best ways to protect your baby against diseases like measles, rubella, tetanus or meningitis is through immunisation. Your baby needs their first injections at eight weeks, then 12 weeks, 16 weeks and one year.As your child gets older, they’ll be offered more appointments to get vaccinated, right up until they are teenagers. 

It’s best to have vaccines on time, but you can still catch up on most vaccines if you miss them. You can see the full schedule here, and if you are concerned that your child, or any family member, has missed out on certain vaccines you can speak to your GP practice about catching up.

You will be contacted when your child's immunisations are due.

MMR call / recall


Measles Mumps and Rubella are highly infectious conditions that can easily spread between unvaccinated people. Getting vaccinated is important, as these conditions can also lead to serious problems including meningitis, hearing loss and problems during pregnancy. Two doses of the MMR vaccine provide the best protection against measles, mumps and rubella.

If you receive an invitation for an MMR vaccination from the national campaign that is currently being run, please book an appointment with one of our Practice Nurses by contacting the surgery after 2pm Monday – Friday on: 01424 464756.

To read details of the full campaign, please click the link below:

NHS England » NHS launches catch up campaign for missed MMR vaccines

Measles - do you know the symptoms?

Childhood Immunisation Disclaimer

If you wish to decline the childhood vaccinations you will need to complete a Childhood Immunisation Disclaimer Form.